- why would people would want to put excerpts of their personal lives on the internet?
- who on earth would be that interested in your life anyway, are you a celebrity?
- is it even safe to display you personal life so freely? (As everyone knows that the internet is crawling with sexual predators)
- what would you write about in a blog? What you had for breakfast or your opinion on major world issues?
- could you write about both? Could you write about anything? But again - who would read this?
Ok, this was supposed to be about me, so let's go there. I'm 20 years old at the moment, I am originally from Zimbabwe and I have lived in Dubai since 2004. I'm currently on a gap year which is why I have enough time on my hands to spend endless hours on the internet. I figured that I'll never get this opportunity again so I might as well make the most of it. If you know me personally, I'm sorry that you've wasted your time reading this paragraph and I promise to write about more interesting and worthwhile things in the future.
It's currently 3.45am local time. I don't know why, but whenever I realise that "pi time" has passed, I get excited which makes it harder to fall asleep because I keep thinking about it. Having said that, I probably should try and get some rest considering I have to be awake by 9am *insert appropriate curse word*.
Sweet dreams.