Wednesday, 30 March 2011

A Terrible Introduction

So, I first heard about 'online blogs' a few years ago and I remember thinking that I didn't understand the concept at all. There were a few things I just couldn't get over:

  • why would people would want to put excerpts of their personal lives on the internet?
  • who on earth would be that interested in your life anyway, are you a celebrity?
  • is it even safe to display you personal life so freely? (As everyone knows that the internet is crawling with sexual predators)
  • what would you write about in a blog? What you had for breakfast or your opinion on major world issues?
  • could you write about both? Could you write about anything? But again - who would read this?
The whole idea just seemed a bit pointless to me. However, I think that the real point at which my perception of social media and the internet in general changed was when I began watching video bloggers on YouTube last year. Watching these people basically let the world into their living rooms/bedrooms/basements - into their lives - completely changed my outlook on my life. They intrigued me. They captivated me, but most of all they inspired and motivated me to do the same. Now, after only using the internet for necessary tasks and criticising people who were members of more than one social media website , I'm passionate about (practically obsessed with) Facebook,YouTube,Tumblr andTwitter - and I'm just getting started. 

Ok, this was supposed to be about me, so let's go there. I'm 20 years old at the moment, I am originally from Zimbabwe and I have lived in Dubai since 2004. I'm currently on a gap year which is why I have enough time on my hands to spend endless hours on the internet. I figured that I'll never get this opportunity again so I might as well make the most of it. If you know me personally, I'm sorry that you've wasted your time reading this paragraph and I promise to write about more interesting and worthwhile things in the future. 

It's currently 3.45am local time. I don't know why, but whenever I realise that "pi time" has passed, I get excited which makes it harder to fall asleep because I keep thinking about it. Having said that, I probably should try and get some rest considering I have to be awake by 9am *insert appropriate curse word*. 

Sweet dreams.

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