It's time for some honesty.
*deep breath*...
I love you. I really, really love you.
A lot.
Maybe even too much, because believe me when I say that there is nothing you can do to ever change that.
I am stuck to you like an incredibly effective super glue. There is absolutely nothing you can do or say to make me love you any less, and I also cannot possibly love you any more than I already do.
If my love for you was plotted on a graph with ‘time’ on the x-axis and ‘amount of love’ on the y-axis, this is what you would see: A steady increase followed by a steep incline, and then a plateau up to this moment. There can be no more increase, my love has reached its peak. My heart is fully saturated. No, in fact, it’s overflowing – it’s practically pouring out of me but the supply is endless. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?
There are times when I don’t even know how l got to this point, but then I think of you and it becomes so obvious. You know how most of the time when you love someone, you don’t really know why? Well, I know exactly why I feel the way I do about you because when I look at you, it is staring me straight in the face.
First of all, and most importantly, I see a good heart. I see kindness, loyalty, confidence but not arrogance, strength but with enough fragility to be malleable and flexible, pride but not so much that you build walls around you. I see all my own morals and values mirrored in you. I see everything that I love most in the world in you; if they took away everything good in the world and left me with you, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference – that’s what I mean. Your flaws are just miniscule anomalies to me. They don’t really affect the final result. Every time I’m around you my pupils dilate, there’s an influx of dopamine and norepinephrine released into my brain, like you have no idea. My body is telling me that I should procreate with you because my offspring need half of your genes. To go against that feels like going against nature.
First of all, and most importantly, I see a good heart. I see kindness, loyalty, confidence but not arrogance, strength but with enough fragility to be malleable and flexible, pride but not so much that you build walls around you. I see all my own morals and values mirrored in you. I see everything that I love most in the world in you; if they took away everything good in the world and left me with you, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference – that’s what I mean. Your flaws are just miniscule anomalies to me. They don’t really affect the final result. Every time I’m around you my pupils dilate, there’s an influx of dopamine and norepinephrine released into my brain, like you have no idea. My body is telling me that I should procreate with you because my offspring need half of your genes. To go against that feels like going against nature.
To finish off, I would just like you to know that it would be convenient if I could have you in my life for at least forever. I love being in your presence – even if we’re not talking, not touching, not even looking at each other, I’m just happy to bask in your aura. I could actually just be around you for the rest of my life, just sit by your side, just as long as I could be next to you because that’s how amazing you are in my eyes.
Now love me back.
Maybe I'm just a little bit in love with you...